Monday, May 23, 2011

The Mantis Goddess

On a mild Autumn Saturday afternoon, she made a jagged flight into our garden, and headed straight for my boots.  I moved my feet, and she climbed up the smooth leg of my chair with some difficulty but an impressive determination...

We moved her to the safety of the flower-bed, but she was on an intriguing mission, and she wasn't that interested in safety.  It is possible that Autumn is breeding time for the Mantis in our part of the world. 

She is a queen, and a fine poseur...

She was not shy.  She leapt onto the lens of my camera, a few times!...

Eventually, she made her way across the lawn to an ancient cypress tree, and climbed up it until we lost sight of her.  A beautiful creature with a powerful energy.

In southern Africa, the indigenous Khoi and San people regarded the Mantis as a god...